Thursday, July 24, 2008

the beginning of my journey

I can't believe I'm blogging! Who would've thought I would enjoy reading the blogs of others so much that I would be inspired to start one of my own? As I enter into a new/exciting chapter of my life, I feel this may be a time worth documenting. So here goes nothing!

I want to begin by backtracking a little. Back in April, I was chosen to be the intern at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd in Torrance, CA. (It was my first pick, so needless to say, I was thrilled to receive the news!) In May, my mom and I flew out there to meet my supervisor (Pastor Bob Rognlien) and to be introduced to the congregation. First things first: SURFING! It had been my dream to learn to surf, so the first thing Bob and I did was rented a wetsuit (let me tell ya: nothing will kill your modesty more than walking out in front of your new supervisor in a tight wetsuit and saying "does this fit?") 6:00 wake up call! My first surfing lesson at Manhattan Beach was a dream come true, but also super hard! It wasn't until the second morning that I actually STOOD up on the board! It happened so fast, honestly, and all I could think to do when I was up on the board was look around, make sure someone was witnessing it (all three fellow surfers did--thank God!), let out a massive "yahoo" and fist pump, and jump off the board! It was a short run, but an incredible feeling!

A trip to Hollywood Mall, the Kodak Theatre, Wayfarers Chapel, Redondo Pier, Palos Verdes, a staff BBQ, being introduced to the congregation at 4 services, and tons of hugs made the trip super memorable for both of us! Not to mention the super cute Coach purses we bought for $40 in LA's Fashion District!
Meeting the people, surfing in the Pacific, and seeing the area reassured me that I was going to the right place. We waved goodbye and said "see you in 4 months!" With exactly a month now before leaving, it's becoming as real as ever! I've been spending my summer living in a fabulous condo, photographing beautiful weddings, sailing, on a mission trip to Idaho, and spending time with those who I love most. I'll keep you posted on the final weeks as I prepare & pack for an amazing 10 months!



Kevin Bergeson said...

welcome to blogging dove!

hannahgjohnson said...

I love it! And you too, of course :)

tjackson80 said...

welcome to the blogosphere

Karishma said...

asm - welcome to the world of blogging and congratulations on your new adventure. there's nothing like living out on the west coast and i'm sure you're going to love it as much as i did! good luck love and keep up with the blogging, i can't wait to read about all the adventures you'll have when out there! :)

Dina said...

Hi Amber
Welcome to Cali! It was so nice meeting you at the WOF conference. Sorry for the pratical joke they played on you, I had nothing to do with it :) You are right it wasn't funny. Love reading your blog and I can just feel your energy through the words and pictures. Which brings me to ask you...I am an avid photography (not professional by any means) but I love taking pictures. My sister wants me to take her engagement pictures but after talking to you and seeing your camera I wanted to see if you were available (since you are a professional) and to find out how much you would charge to her pictures. She is getting married Oct. 17, 2009.

Dina said...
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