Tuesday, September 9, 2008

giddy giddy gumdrops!

Ok, seriously, someone needs to pinch me.

Is internship supposed to rock? Am I really supposed to enjoy this? Should I be ok with the fact that I am 1,800 miles away from home? Not really, right? Oh, but you are so wrong!

I can honestly say, I haven't been this giddy in a long time. The excitement of ministry, adventure, new friends, and culture is alive and well in CA. I came into this internship pumped, but also nervous and hesitant as to what it would be like. Staff dynamics, a new place, not to mention doing it alone were the things I feared the most. But, not anymore.

Today was the best. The best of the best. The bestest, if you will! I found that I was able to help my fellow colleagues with tasks, participate in a meeting and provide direction and ask good questions, learn some new skills for worship, learn how to collaboratively design a worship service (and allowing the Holy Spirit some room to give input), and was even asked to try something fairly new for me in coordinating a drama/liturgical dance to accompany a special music selection on Sunday. I jumped at the opportunity! I can see how Good Shepherd is going to allow me to blossom and grow into a new leader in ministry.

I even find it hard to leave the office at the end of the day. There's so much to do: people to be in contact with, ideas to jot down, e-mails to send, and leaders to build up. I can see why ministry can cause people to have workaholic tendencies---it's actually FUN!

Oh, and did I mention that my LA parents ROCK?? Bill and Jane are the best. Here's the example of the day (though there are many I could write about each day, here's one): I left Bill and Jane a note this morning to see if they had a few odd things around the house that I could use to finish organizing my room. I get home tonight hoping Jane had found a few extra hangers in her closet for me to borrow. Instead, Jane went out and bought me two new bunches of hangers, an awesome shelf for my bathroom, and a full-length mirror (because I'm super vain). I am simply overwhelmed by kindness right now. I'm happy to say that I feel as though my feet are firmly planted here. I'm ready to invest my whole heart into the next 10 months.

1 comment:

Dana said...

Love your post & can hardly wait for the drama!

The photo of the beautiful blooming cactus is a great illustration of your potential to "blossom and grow into a new leader in ministry."

Sorry, I just can't help myself...here is a mini lesson on native California butterflies and vegetation...

Knowing that Southern California is a desert, a cactus is very appropriate. However, you are the "beach preacher." So may I be so bold as to suggest Dune Buckwheat? (The bloom is of a completely different structure being more of a cluster of little white blossoms with a touch of pink and probably doesn't work as well with your illustration.)

Dune Buckwheat is the food source for the El Segundo Blue Butterfly, which is endemic to the Santa Monica Bay. These little butterflies have been returning to our beaches now that native vegetation has been added. For more info, check out the website:
End of lesson...can't wait to return to teaching!

BTW, how do you add the link or is that not available on the comments?