Tuesday, September 23, 2008

surf diva!

Just to warn you—this entry is going to contain more exclamation points than ever before, but that’s for good reason! I SURFED TODAY! Not one, not two, not three, but FOUR waves!!!! (which makes sense, because 4 is my favorite number!) September 23, 2008 goes down in history as one of the greatest days ever!! There was a photographer out in the waves shooting pictures of the potential stars of the next Hollywood surfing movie. Here’s the shot he got of me riding my first wave! I don’t know about you, but I think they’d be a fool not to cast me! :)

Again, I swallowed too much sea water and got a little sick, but not as sick as yesterday! So…I’m making progress!

Bob and I had our supervisor meeting this morning and then Greg met us later to do some sermon help. I love the collaboration that goes on around here. We read the text and then worked through it together. The image of a pastor sitting at her desk and having to come up with everything herself is long gone. Ideas, images, interpretations, and visions get shared in this time of preaching preparation. I am so happy to be working with a staff of folks who truly work together to make worship all that God intends for it to be.

Gloria and I did a few pastoral care visits again today. One member of our GS had surgery done, and jokingly called the church to say that they wanted two pastors, two prayer ministers, the hand bell choir and the praise team in the recovery room when the surgery was done. So, we did what we could. I brought my guitar, and Gloria brought her teeny little Sea World bell to accompany me. It was hilarious. When I asked Gloria to take a picture with me for my blog, I heard her brag to the other staff ladies, “I’m gonna be on a blog…na na na na na!” Your moment of fame has come, Gloria! Enjoy it!

A few women staff members are joining forces to watch the Biggest Loser and workout along with them in an attempt to shed a few pounds. I am boldly going where no woman has gone before. For even more accountability, I am posting a picture of my weight on the blog. Oh wow, I can’t believe I’m actually doing this. I’ll post the final weigh in amount in June when I leave. My goal is 140. I figure 25 pounds in 10 months is safe and do-able. Oh, and the pie is a reminder of the many temptations church workers face, as there is always an abundance of goodies around to snack on!

Tonight is sermon night. I’m going to resist the urge to make webcam calls and really get crackin’ on this thing!


Karishma said...

OMG BROSIE!!!!!!!!!!! I love the surfer picture!!! You look beautiful and so sporty out there!!! Have you lost weight since hitting the Cali scene? :) Love you and miss you loads. PS they'd be fools not to cast you in that movie :)

Auntie Dana said...

In order of importance...
~~~ Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, and not for others. .................Colossians 3:23
~~~ Can't wait for Sundays sermon, ahem, I mean message! I'm confident that the Spirit will once again bless you to be a blessing. I suspect I will hear His faithful servant presenting His message of faith, love, and hope. And how our role in the kingdom blesses others and builds up the body, especially as He leads each of us to work together. (Eph 4:15-16) Collaboration and team-work are LCGS' style. Just be sure that the final editing is run by the really Big Guns. :)
~~~ Wow! From 0 to 4 in just a few short hops! Congratulations, you surfer-girl, you. ( I thought long and hard about putting this under the Word. While the same scripture applies, I just couldn't bump the sermon...)
~~~ I'd like to place a duplicate order for my surgery on Oct. 20th...
~~~ Girls rule!