Sweet: I drove my new 2006 Subaru Forester for the first time today!
I recall our drive back from CA. I was sweating and sticking to the seat, about cursing my car out because I hated her so bad. Hate is a strong word, but I meant it then. I really think Vera had cancer. Vera had a few good weeks when we got back, leading me to believe we might get along for a while. This week she took a turn for the worst. She got hit by an unknown vehicle in the parking lot. Knocking her back light out and scratching her up pretty bad. Then she started shaking at 15 mph. The air conditioning still doesn't work. Not good. So, Kevin and I got real serious-real fast about buying a car, and we found one our first night out!!
My mom stayed over last night after the fashion show, so she came with us in the hopes that we could heckle with them a little. No such luck. Nobody does that anymore. It takes all the fun out of buying a new car! I did manage to get them to give me $200 more for my trade in, a complete body restoration to repair even the smallest nicks, and they threw in a cover for the trunk of it. We feel really good about it and are excited to be in a small SUV that has been rated #1 for safety for the last 7 years!! Perfect for little Bergeson babies in a few years! Check it out!