Sunday, August 2, 2009

days of birth!

It's always fun celebrating birthdays. Presley grows a year older on Tuesday, so our families gathered to celebrate with gifts, food (sitting at the kids picnic table is always a riot!), and as always a few games of horseshoes. Presley must have really liked the surprise party for Kevin because as we were all sitting around waiting for her to open her presents, she shushed us all and made us be really quiet because she wanted it to be a surprise. Not sure what, but we all did as she said. Holly and Jason got her a beefed up guitar (apparently the small one I got her for Christmas a few years ago isn't up to out little prodigy's standards!) She had me go with her to different areas of the yard so we could have concerts and play church. I think Kevin and I are turning her into a future performer/preacher. It's hilarious. Kevin and I wanted to do something unique for her birthday rather than just giving her another toy, so I stayed up late making a cute little card for her as a coupon for lunch and a chance to make her own teddy bear at Build-a-Bear Workshop in the Mall of America. She had no idea what it was and about threw it on the ground, but I'll show her some pictures online to help peak her interest a little more! Great gift Auntie! ha!

Since I've been watching the girls, I've been trying to teach Presley new ways to pray. I grew up in a house where we said the same prayers before meals and bed, but really want her to know that she can say whatever she wants. So when we finish her standard prayer, we now throw in a few thank you's. "And thank you God for Hannah Montana, and for noodles!" She'll think of something too and blurt it out. I also taught her the batman prayer we learned at camp. She requests that one now too. Our common table prayer is so wordy, (our family adds on a few lines)..."Come Lord Jesus, be our guest, let these gifts to us be blessed, our hands are folded, our heads are bowed, for meat and drink we thank Thee now. Amen." She probably gets 20 of the 30 words right but I'm convinced she doesn't really know what she's saying. She knows every word to recent Taylor Swift and Carrie Underwood tunes, and I pray she doesn't know what she's singing in those! :) It's hard to know what kind of impact you make on children. The negative attitude slips in at times and it only takes a second for a child to mimic it and form a habit. Tonight my prayer for Presley is that she's surrounded by faith-filled, and positive family, friends and teachers. And that God's design for her is what she grows up to be.

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