Monday, April 6, 2009

i miss you, dove!

I had Kevin reserve blog post dates for me while I was gone, so I'm keeping his titles because they're so cute.

Day two: no wind. Thank you, God! Hello sun! It was hot hot hot! More sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, and time to get to work. It took a long time to get level ground and concrete down yesterday, so we were a little behind on our wall building. All the wood is cut by hand. No electric saws whatsoever! Cutting 2.25 inch pieces was a nightmare, but someone had to do it! One thing I've noticed so far on this trip is that the tedious work gets left to the women. Men have no patience to see a job all the way to completion. Especially the high school boys. If something newer or more fun came along, they'd stop what they're doing and start the more exciting project. So, all the shoveling, cleaning, and finish work got left to us women.

I was getting a little frustrated with all the sexist talk going on, so I decided to hop on the roof and show them how capable women are of doing this kind of work. Hammering plywood to the roof, inserting planks, leveling, and climbing. Someone finally said, "You've obviously swung a hammer before." I spent the rest of the day up there securing the plywood, putting tar on the roofing materials, measuring finishing work, hammering shingling, and problem solving. This is my kind of a mission trip. Getting dirty, working hard, and helping others. By the end of the day today, our house was completely roofed, and covered in chicken wire in preparation for stucco tomorrow.

Back at camp we enjoyed a night of singing, Bible study, yummy food, and the high schoolers taught me how to play a game called 'signs.' 26 years of my life wasted not knowing how to play this game. Super fun...easy and portable! They're a great group of young people to be here on this trip. A group of us young adults were asked to lead the high schoolers in our small group discussion time, and it was cool to hear strangers open up and share their lives and experiences with each other--even outside their immediate group of friends!

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