Monday, April 20, 2009

light and dark

My hair is getting lighter, and my skin is getting darker. No matter how hard I try, I can't fight the sun. It's not even 11:00 a.m. and the temperature is already 90 degrees. Yikes! I broke out my fan this morning for the first time in months. It's suppose to reach over 100 sometime today. The great thing is there's no humidity, so it just feels toasty, not awful.

What better day to pick up running again? I took a stupid pill this morning and signed up for the Twin Cities Marathon in October. 26.2 miles. I think I ran 2 this morning and wanted to die. This could be interesting. I'm going to need some awesome new songs on my mp3 player if I hope to keep up the training. Kevin sent me a great little training program that breaks down the appropriate running distances on each day. My two miler didn't make the chart. Good thing he's running it too or I might lose motivation.

Tonight we had the very first learning cluster. 60 people (not quite Jesus' 70) gathered at the Such's house, for food, teaching, singing, worship, and prayer. It rocked. I heard nothing but positivity from those who were there and can't wait to go back next week!

Anyway, now the real marathon begins. 24 hours until I'm home. Bags to pack, two 3 hour meetings to attend, and a sermon to write. Oh dear.

1 comment:

Auntie Dana said...

I sure do miss you, my friend! I'm having Amber withdrawals! AAnd now you are heading home...but at least this time you will return. What ever will I do when June gets here?

I'm praying that you have a wonderful, renewing reunion with family, friends and, of course, your darling sweetheart! Say "Hi" to Kevin and tell him I'm looking forward to seeing him at the Slack-lining BBQ. :)

Safe and painfree travel mercies...