Monday, July 6, 2009

circus circus

Of all the things I cannot miss this summer: the Shrine Circus was one of them. I saw tons of people who I hadn't seen in years. Lots of old classmates of mine who now had children of their own. Apparently I'm a little behind on that. I didn't really know what to think about the whole thing. Sadly, I feel like the older you get, the more dirty the circus seems. Presley loved it. She was dancing, shouting, clapping. That's the circus for a four year old. I was taking unimpressive photos, wearing ear plugs, and eating $1 cotton candy to pass the time. That's the circus for a twenty-six year old. I will give it to them though that the elephants were great, and the contortionist made my back hurt. It was fun to see the arena so full of children. Most of them had no idea when to applaud, so no one did. I felt bad for the performers. They'd do some humiliating stunt and no one would acknowledge it. Even I clapped out of sympathy. I was reminded that even if my job is to spin 30 hula hoops on my waist, or if it's to walk circus ponies in a circle, it's a job. Maybe even a calling. I sure as heck could not do it. God has all different kinds of work in mind for us all, and my vocation is no better than that of a circus clown. And when I look back on some of the humiliating/strange stuff I did at Good Shepherd last year (theme intros), I realized that working in a church is much like working for the circus. Clowns all over the place!

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