Wednesday, July 22, 2009

holy moose!

It's pretty incredible to see one moose in a week. Today we saw 4. Even slammed on the brakes on the interstate to get the picture of these two! That brings the count up to 7!! Holy buckets that's a lot of moose!

Lazy river. For real. We spent our afternoon floating down the river in tubes. Warm water, butts scraping on the rocky river bottom, and wild highschoolers made the experience quite entertaining! The tubes were pretty small, so to sit in them without tipping over was quite the skill. Kevin kept flipping out of it. Hilarious! That won him over with all the boys. I floated most of the way on my stomach. The clear water and colorful rocks were so fun to look at. An underwater adventure!

Tonight our teaching time was spent encouraging people to listen to the Spirit. We gave all the kids time to go outside and spend some time alone listening. It was awesome to see high school kids taking this time seriously and writing, reading, and spending some time in silence. Within 5 minutes of the teaching time, one of the students came up to me with a picture he had drawn and asked me if I knew what he was trying to say. I affirmed that God speaks to us in images and asked if he'd share his image with the group as a way to reinforce what I had said. He agreed. All the other kids listened quietly to his story. How wonderful to have unscripted witnesses to God's words. Our final activity was to do foot washing. Kevin and I said we'd plant ourselves at two basins so the kids who didn't want to wash wouldn't have to. Within minutes we were getting kicked out by other kids who wanted to wash feet! Awesome!

Wednesday night ends up being a really moving night as Shoshone does an activity called "Prayer around the Cross" where there are stations for kids to do. Kevin and I asked if we could become a human station and be available for prayer during that time. We had no idea if anyone would want to, but figured it was worth a shot. It didn't take long for the line to start to form, and for kids and adults to come up and share their prayer concerns. There was a line up! By the end of the night I was completely zonked from all the heavy emotions and stories. Being young isn't easy, and we can't pray enough for young people to be influenced by positive forces. If you don't have a young person in your life, find one, and start loving on them. We need you!


Linda said...

Thank you for being a vessel to the Lord for all those people. I know the Holy Spirit did his work through you.

Carla said...

Looks like you are really enjoying Idaho & it's wildlife. We moved to Wallace, Idaho when Jackson was 6 weeks old & lived there for a year. I loved it there. I could look at the trees & animals & feel God's presence. Thanks for sharing your journey with us.

Ali said...

sounds like an amazing time... not to mention a beautiful setting!

hannahgjohnson said...

What an incredible experience! I am so happy for you all. I can't wait to hear more about your adventures soon!

Dina said...

I was moved by your story. How awesome is our God. I especially liked the last sentence that if you don't have a youngster in your life find one and love on them.

LisaP said...

God's creation is amazing. I do not think I have seen a picture of any Moose before. And the ones are you have posted, are priceless. God is so amazing. This makes me want to be a teenager again and go to this camp. I was never able to experience Gods presence as a teenager, and it is such a blessing to see what God is doing during camps like these. Thank you for answering His call on your life, and allowing me to read about your adventure along the way. You are an amazing daughter of the King.