Sunday, July 12, 2009

loud shrieks

It's ok to scream in church. I kept telling myself that as Madison shrieked about 15 times during worship this morning. None of the back pews were open, so we had to sit in the front. Kevin was a trooper and smiled through it all. I brought Presley & Madison up for the children's message. Madison crawled up on the step to sit next to Kevin and kept looking at him and smiling. It was adorable. Kevin (during the message said), "you're just so cute, and distracting!" Our pew was extra full today with my family, and my first California family of visitors: The Reeds! How great to see some familiar faces from out west.

I had to take them out for lunch at Panakuken Haus! All three of them ordered their own special panakuken! Alec's looked the best: banana chocolate mousse! I wondered with 4 panakuken's at our table if the waitress would say "panakuken" 4 times. Just once, but in a very sing songy voice. Lots of loud shrieks today! Too fun! It was awesome to catch up and spend some time with such a great family! After lunch, I met up with my family again and we headed back down toward Worthington. A late night walk/run in the country with the girls was a great way to end the day!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Kelly just bought that same purple dress.....sisters by heart <3