Friday, July 17, 2009

wedding widow

I got to take pictures today of a couple who got married at a historic courthouse in Stillwater, MN. I love that town. I loved the place. So many textures, colors, neat floors, and an awesome couple who were too fun to work with! Lots of smiles and a great sense of humor and willingness to let me try some new things! Light sprinkles and rain kept most of the guests shivering outside, while I was in heaven. Overcast skies and cool temps! Love it! By the end of the night, I was a train wreck. This is common the night of a wedding. Aching legs, dirty feet, dehydration, right hand locked in the camera holding position, and a bum knee. All are worth it though to be able to celebrate such important days in the lives of friends! 12 miles to run tomorrow with Kevin. That's going to kill our afternoon. Pray for us.


Kelly said...

is that still your french pedi from when we took you just before you go engaged?!?!?

aluhmann3 said...

i noticed that your toes still look GREAT!!! i hope your running is going well!!!

tjackson80 said...

now i'm intrigued to visit this building. nerd alert.

Linda said...

WOW - you are wiped out!

Is that the same Cali pedi you girls got right before the engagement?!

Miss you sunshine!

Amber said...

No...not the same pedi. I redid it after a few weeks. I did it again today while the girls were napping and someone commented to me, I need to go get a pedicure. If they only knew I did it myself! :) Missing you guys!

Auntie Dana said...

You are the cutest train wreck ever! And you've got it all covered... bandages, potassium and much needed sleep. You are on my heart and in prayers.