Thursday, July 2, 2009

Good News Nieces

The Holy Gospel according to my nieces, the first chapter.

Life as an Auntie is so much fun. The girls are getting so big and smart. The things that come out of their mouths need to be written down! So, here's the Good News from Presley & Madison.

As we were driving into Lakefield to go to the pool, Presley noticed a house with a long wheelchair ramp/deck on the front and said, "Auntie, we're going to put a new dick on the front of our house next year." "A DECK!" "Yeah, a deck on our house!" I just about wet myself on this one.

Talking about wedding stuff with Presley is tough. She still thinks Kevin and I are having a baby. But, we talked a little about it today, and at one point she said, "I'm going to wear a white dress too when I get married. Probably to daddy." So cute.

When outside taking pictures at 11:00 a.m. the mosquitoes were already out and biting. Presley said, "Gosh! These bugs need a spankin'. They're buggin' me!"

Madison isn't forming sentences quite as hilarious, but her single words sure are. Here are the latest:
ga-ga (tractor)
mi-mi (blankie)
mo (more)
peas (please)
ti-ti (Auntie)

As a special treat on our way home, we got some ice cream. Presley was in charge of the cotton candy dippin' dots in the back. Madison wanted some too. So, she kept on saying to Presley, "Mo, Peas! Peas!" Presley would give her a spoonful, and before she could swallow what she had in her mouth she'd say it again, "Peas!" Such polite little ones! I got out the two inch slack-line and Presley started trying to get up on her own. She even took a few steps. We've got a future circus clown on our hands!

We got to go to Panda House (my favorite Chinese Restaurant in Worthington) last night for some broccoli & chicken, and an egg roll. Delicious. Following that, we went to Grandma Sue's house to walk down to the park for the band concert and to play, to talk more wedding details, bumped into Patty Traphagen and got to catch up for a while, then back to Grandma's for another round of popsicles.

1 comment:

Kristi Kuhl said...

Awww, the girls are too cute. I'm glad you get to spend time with them. You are THE coolest aunt ever. I hardly know my aunts/uncles. Looks like you are having a good time in Woo-Town, oh how I do miss the Panda House. When I get back from being camp counselor this summer I'm defiantly making a stop there :-)