Tuesday, July 21, 2009

moose count = 3

Our morning devotion today included a really bad prank that we hoped would emphasize the importance of humility and a servant heart. We had Clint interrupt our morning prayer and come running outside to announce that there was a nasty toilet problem in Big Creek and that he needed some people to come quick to help. Eric (the maintenance guy), David (a staffer), and two youth took off running to help. The other 118 people just stood there. It worked out perfectly. We grabbed the plunger from Clint and brought back the two volunteers to interview them on our humility television show. We had no idea how many would actually go run to help with a dirty job like that. Two.

We saw moose numbers two and three today. A mama and her baby by the side of the interstate. We were driving too quickly to get a photo of them, but that brings the moose count up to three for the week. We're loving our time here so far! We really wanted to incorporate some media into our teaching time, so we cram all 120 people into the chapel for about 25 minutes before we let them go and break into small groups. It really works well. Good Shepherd worship styles have really come in handy here at camp as we think about teaching young people in a fresh new way. Yet another moment where I am truly grateful for the internship I had! After campfire tonight Kevin and I made our way down to the trading post where we loaded up on otter pops (as they call them in Idaho) and red licorice. By the time we got back to my room to take a picture of it, all that was left of 6 licorice sticks was one 2 inch piece. He loves his red vines.


ellencp1 said...

Not sure I know his to leave comments...the camp sounds great! Idaho is such a beautiful state.

Auntie Dana said...

More inspired teaching moments...wish I was camp! It's cool to get a glimpse of you and Kevin leading and teaching and sharing community with 120 campers. :)

Jodi said...

Interesting....wonder how many of us would've volunteered to assist in your "crisis."