Sunday, February 8, 2009

4 minutes

What started out as a morning where I woke up thinking, "I wish I could call in sick today" turned out to be a day full of ministry awesomeness. Thank God I didn't stay in bed.

Worship was downright FUN today. Rhythm participatory fun. Fun music. Communion fun. The Jerk video fun. FUN FUN FUN! The mostest funnest part of the day came at 5:30 when young adults flooded the Center for Discipleship like it was nobody's business. There were the usual suspects who I have grown to love so deeply, and SEVEN new people! SEVEN! I can't stop saying it: God is good!! These new folks were from all different walks of life, ages, and backgrounds. It was such a great night. You know how new people tend to be really quiet and shy? Not this group. They jumped right in and offered great insight to our discussion time. I'm so excited for our next gathering!

Today was the beginning of "Getting into the Swing," a new worship series that emphasizes the importance of working from rest. How God wants us to get into a healthy rhythm that allows us to abide in God and then bear fruit from our rest. It's like the motion of a swing. Back and forth, abiding and bearing fruit. Resting and working. As I was driving home from worship tonight I got stopped at the stoplight right as the light turned red. Meaning, I'd be sitting there for 4 minutes until it was my turn again. I was looking around for ways to go whip a u-turn or get through the light faster. But what's wrong with sitting there in the stillness for 4 minutes? Is it possible that God meant for me to use that time to abide. God knew that the moment I got home I'd be e-mailing every attendee at the YAC event, unloading groceries, making a snack, planning dates in my calendar. BUSY BUSY BUSY. The rhythm had already become mute within 5 minutes of leaving worship. The next time you're sitting stalled at a stoplight, may you think of the reason why God might have stopped you there. What do you need to rest from?

I love this picture of Presley. I took it a few years ago when she was two. The true definition of exhaustion. Sleeping awkwardly in the chair, footie jammies, limbs drained from all the activity of the day. I hope to sleep this way tonight. To wake up to a new day refreshed. Ready to work from my rest.

1 comment:

SamanthaMarie said...

This was a great post! I love to hear about the ways God is working where you are :) I will put the stop light thing to good use from now on, lights in Boise, Idaho tend to last FOREVER hehe :)

I hope you found yourself getting an amazing night's rest. I know I did FINALLY after a week of horrible sleeping patterns.

God bless this day for you!