Wednesday, February 18, 2009

fresh powder

Teaching about fruitfulness. God wants us to bear much fruit. Honestly, who wants to think about fruit when there's 3 feet of fresh snow at Mountain High? I declined 3 invitations to go, and then realized how dumb I was being. My sermon could wait, it was time to get back to the mountain!
We had a full van load of eager snow bunnies, and uh...snow men who were ready to hit the hill. The mountains on the way out were completely covered! It only got us more excited to see so much white snow! At least half the state of CA heard about the dumping, and decided to go as well. It was packed. The snow was fresh, and because it was so cold, the snow was much harder than it was last time. Kelly, Amy, & I were all pretty nervous when we walked off the magic carpet and got our equipment on. Hard snow = bruised butts. We needed to stay on our feet. No falling. Of course, we all did at least once, but were thrilled to have gotten much better and controlled at what we were doing. My goal was to take the long run at least twice, and use my back edge instead of my front. I accomplished both. Amy and I got so good, we decided to create instructional videos for other snowboarders. Click here to learn how to do synchronized front flips on a snowboard! Be sure to check out the other videos on there. I posted a bunch! What fun! Oh, and while snowboarding I invented a new hair style called triple H, 'the holy hat head.' In order to achieve such a high class look, all you need to do is put four bobby pins on the top of your head, wear a hat for 5 hours, and remove it. Easy as pie!

I was riding a 3 person lift all alone and was sad Kevin wasn't beside me to snuggle with. I swear, that's the only reason we go skiing--designated snuggle time! Gives me something to look forward to for next winter! Lessons from Lynda, and Afton afternoons! Now I need to buy my own set of skis and possibly a snowboard. Craigslist, here I come! Mountain High has great lift ticket deals on Wednesday nights. $15 each. We were about planning our next Wednesday trip, when I realized something: LENT! Looks like we're all giving up skiing for Lent whether we want to or not. I guess that means I don't have to give up ice cream after all! :)

$5 goes to the person who can figure out what this crazy image on the bottom of my snowboard is! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It says Burton for sure.
The objects look like they are
If I'm right, keep the $5.

Love Dad