Saturday, February 7, 2009

lock-in from the rain

I was fully prepared to go to bed last night at 9:00. But it was raining like crazy. It had been for two days, and unlike most of the CA natives, I LOVE IT! My camera was left in my office at church, and I was worried that the church might flood and it would be lost forever (wow, there could be worse things, I know). I knew Alicia was there for a lock-in, so I called her to see if she'd mind moving it to higher ground for me. She agreed, and then she and Ellen said, "why don't you just come down and hang out with us?" Shoot, I had nothing better to do, so I rolled up my pj pants, grabbed a blanket, went outside and had to crawl through my passenger side door to get in my car (the gutter was about 6 inches deep in water).

I arrived to meet 40 3rd-5th graders in spaz mode. Holy cow, do they have energy. Dodge ball, movies, video games, snacks, and crafts. Let's give them a few more cookies and glasses of pop right before bed! My plan was to stay for a while then go home, but after Alicia spotted a large raccoon on the patio, I vowed to sleep over to avoid the nocturnal beasts! Luckily, Alicia brought a queen size air mattress, so we put the kids to bed, shushed them, and then whispered for the next 2 hours until we went to bed at 2:00 a.m. Now that I think about it, she may've been lying about the raccoon just so she could snuggle next to me all night! :)

7:00 wake up call from Ellen. And a Starbucks delivery for the adults! A few kids ran over and whined, "Where's mine? I like frappuccino too!" Seriously? At age 10 you're drinking caffeine? All evening/morning long I couldn't help but notice the different personalities of the kids. Amazing how early they fall into types. There's the gangster wanna-be who walks around with his shirt off all night as a way of getting attention. The groupies that follow him. The girl who cares way too much about the way she looks so she stays up late brushing her hair and gets up before everyone else to make sure it's perfect. The loner who desperately wants to have friends but can't figure out how to act in order to have one. The kid who eats way too much and is already looking uncomfortable in her skin. The well-mannered kid who says please and thank you without being prompted. I couldn't help but think about parenting. Which kid will I be attempting to raise? What will I do when my son turns into a mini-thug? Or my daughter can't make any friends? Maybe I don't want to have children. ;)


Anonymous said...

I remember thinking the same thing at one time. Maybe I don't want to have children. Seems to hard, what if I mess up. What if I cannot raise them right. But now that my daughter is almost 13 I realize it is the most awesome experience ever. Since coming to Christ when she was only 2, God has given me the ability to raise my daughter just how He would want her to be. And she is definately a gift from God. You will be a great mother, Amber.

ellencp1 said...

Just wanted you to know that I am glad you were there and Alicia had a playmate for the lockin. You two girls were too cute!
Love ya!