Monday, June 22, 2009

eastward wayfarers

Sleeping in was not an option today. I hadn’t even begun packing, so my body woke me up at 7:00 to get started. Space saver bags full of clothes, boxes of odds and ends, even the wetsuits needed to get in the car! My surfboard turned out so nice, we wrapped it up in an old sheet, and strapped it to the roof of the car on the surf rack that had yet to be used. Bill and Jane left before we did, so we said our goodbyes to them. Kelly and Amy stopped over too for a last minute hug. I can't wait to see everyone again! By the time it was all said and done, Kevin and I were in the car pulling out of the Long’s driveway at 10:45 a.m. We stopped by church to say a few last minute goodbyes, then headed up to Wayfarer’s Chapel to take a few reenacted photos during the daylight. I didn't want to leave CA without some pictures up at our engagement spot (in the daylight). It was so dark the morning of the 20th, I asked Kevin if we could go pose for a few more. It’s such a beautiful place. When Presley and Madison were out visiting in March, we took turns walking down the aisle, Presley would put her pretend dress on and kissed and married all of us. I’m so glad we got engaged at a place that’s so memorable for my entire family. Too bad it would be a hassle to fly everyone out there for the wedding. It’s a long trip from MN. Some guy up at the chapel was walking around with his camera and wanted to take some pictures of me with my camera to show his wife, and then took some of Kevin and I. Is it sad that it makes me nervous that some curious man I don't know has a photo of me? I guess it's the same as putting pictures up on my blog for the world to see, but it was a little creepy the way he kept asking questions and wanting certain photos. Strange.

We were on our way EAST by 1:00. Without Kevin here to support me during this time of transition, I think today would've been much harder. We're just so excited about going home together, planning a wedding, growing in our faith and relationship, the future excitement got me through it all. We enjoyed views of the Canyon River Gorge, lots of beautiful rocks, and about 50 McDonald's. With a few stops along the way to check on my surfboard, to go inside malls to cool off and look around at Coach outlets, we arrived safely in Vegas by 7:00. Oh, and no, I did not find anything at the Coach store I couldn't live without. You know, I'm not sure why we decided to brave the heat during the hottest part of the day. After 6 hours of travel, Vera is hanging in there. Oh, and after traveling through the desert with no air conditioning, I can honestly say I think people who voluntarily live in climates like this are crazy. The heat makes me so miserable, and crabby. Vegas couldn’t come quick enough.

Jerry and Cheryl Routh welcomed us again into their home, toasted to the newly engaged, and treated us to a celebratory supper at a great Italian restaurant. I was sad to hear the tomato soup chef was out for the night so I couldn't get my favorite dish. Next time. We were both so dog tired, we crashed immediately after we got home from supper.I just love the fact that both Kevin and I have these internship families who will be forever part of our lives. The excitement and joy everyone shared on Sunday with our news, and even those in Vegas made us so thankful for people who support us in our wayfaring journey together. Internship has been a blast. Lots of change, growth, and movement in faith. God has been so good to me this year, and Torrance will forever hold a special place in my heart because after all, I am the original BEACH PREACHER!

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