Tuesday, June 9, 2009

generosity overload

Wow...another incredible day to add to the list of awesome days in California. I took my car in this morning to get serviced. It needed a timing belt, water pump, an oil change and new windshield wiper blades. Vera is getting old, but she's got a long trek ahead of her, so I figured it was time to take care of a few of these issues. A few hours after dropping her off at the shop, Gloria showed up at my desk and asked me if I had gotten a chance to get my car looked at yet. Not sure how she knew I needed work done. I told her that I had just taken my car in this morning. She replied, "Oh, because someone here at the church has offered to pay $500 for the repairs for your car." I sort of laughed at her. Why would someone want to pay for my car to get fixed? She was serious. Some anonymous giver heard about my list of needed repairs and told Gloria they wanted to help out. I couldn't believe it. I am overwhelmed with generosity right now. I'm just bummed that no one will tell me who did it, so I cannot even send a much needed thank you! So...I'm going to take every opportunity I have to extend my deep deep gratitude to the generous giver. At this time in my life, with many things to pay for, what a huge blessing to not get set back financially by a few repairs. From Vera and I, we thank you so very much!!

Bob and I had our second to last supervisor/intern meeting today. It's really getting hard to look at the end of this internship and imagine driving away less than two weeks from now with a car full of stuff, and ten months full of friends and memories left behind. I got to talk to Presley tonight while I was at the park slack-lining. There was such excitement in her voice as she said, "Auntie, you're coming home in two weeks!" She has great plans for us to play hide-n-seek when I get there. But she warned me that if I jumped out and scared her while we play, then she wouldn't want to play anymore with me. Ah, the rules of a four year old. I even got to talk to Madison who is now in the beginning stages of understandable babble. I heard a "bye-bye" and "love you" for the first time tonight. How exciting! I hope to spend my free weeks babysitting the two of them when I get home. Lakefield pool, here we come!


Anonymous said...

To whom much has been given, much is expected. You are welcome.

Dad said...

Amber, its just another sign of
how you touch people and how
much you mean to the people
you touch.
Dad thanks that giver and the
congregation at Good Shepard
for taking care of my daughter.

I Love You