Monday, June 1, 2009


I talked Jane into coming with me to hot yoga this morning. I was sweating more today than last time. Jane hung in there like a trooper. The teacher today spoke much better English, so I actually understood what the names of the poses were. My favorite one is the one where you lay on your back and rest. We always conclude by saying "namaste." What does that mean anyway? Weigh in is tomorrow, so we'll see if it helped at all. Bill said the heat kills brain cells.

What kind of idiot intern decides to have an art show, opens it up to whoever wants, as allows as many prints as the people want to submit? me. (Bill was right). This week is going to be nuts as I try to get everything put together for the First Annual (hopefully) Focus Finders Art Show! We have over 100 prints that have been submitted. I'm doing all the printing, getting help with mounting, label making, etc. All to raise money for Uganda. Thank goodness for a few key volunteers who are going to help me get through it all.

As I was over picking up a few more prints from my neighbor Joan, she shared with me a very special gift. She gave me a necklace her mother-in-law had given her years back. She bought it in Europe, and Joan said she had been saving it for many years and just thought I should have it. It's a beautiful mosaic cross with little pieces of glass inside creating the pattern. I've never seen such teeny mosaic. I had to take a picture of it to share with all of you. Absolutely lovely. That really spoke my love language today.

Meetings, a trip to the art store for supplies, and my day was gone. The Luhmann's invited me over for supper. Mac n cheese, hot dogs, and artichoke. The first two are right up there on my list of favorites. It was my first time eating artichoke. Not horrible, but not a future favorite either. I'll stick to the cheese and meat. :) We all headed over to our second life group at the Honzell's house where we had an awesome night of sharing, prayer, and great friendships. I'm going to miss these nights when I'm gone.

One thing I'm not going to miss: the wildlife. Jane came and got me from my room tonight to show me her discovery. For the last 3 weeks, we've had animals living under our bathtub under the house; making high pitched squeaky noises, scratching the base of the tub, and moving around. I was betting on either opossums or chinchillas. We found out tonight what they really were when they were walking on the roof of the house. Bill and I went out, where I was able to get this incredible shot of our newest friends up on the roof. Aren't they cute?


hannahgjohnson said...

Love the animals! And the art show idea. Your gifts at work. Hope you have a great rest of your time in Cali. Oh, and namaste=the spirit or light in me honors the spirit or light in you. It's one of my favorite words.

Miss you. Thanks for the Rocket Dog honor--I'm going to wear mine tomorrow!

tjackson80 said...

Karishma said...

The Meaning of Namaste:

In Sanskrit the word is namah + te = namaste which means “I bow to you” - my greetings, salutations to you.

The word ‘namaha’ can also be literally interpreted as "na ma" (not mine). It has a spiritual significance of negating or reducing one's ego in the presence of another.