Saturday, June 6, 2009

syNOD-off assembly

Karen and I had a great slumber party last night. Hard pillows, lots of chatter, very little sleep. I don't think I slept for more than an hour at a time. Ugh, I have bags under my eyes today! Time to go back home to my own bed.

Now, I'm blogging live from the Southern California Synod Assembly. Bob is setting a good example by checking e-mail on his computer, so I'm joining in on the fun. It's about to get exciting. Red cards, green cards, white cards. I get no cards. I'm a visitor an cannot vote. Not sure if that can keep me away from the microphones though...freedom of speech people! Bishop Dean Nelson is standing at the head mic using very bureaucratic terminology. I think he may even have a gavel. This is official!

From what I understand the issue of homosexuality has been the topic of assemblies for the last nine hundred years. Looks like this year is going to be 901. One guy just got up to a microphone and said, "Let's stop talking about issues of sexuality and how about issues of war, homelessness, starving children." Sounds good to me. Not that I don't think it's important, but people talking here doesn't seem to make any difference in the final decision making process in August, so why are we wasting our time? Highlight of my day (besides leaving early) was when Dr. David Tiede (former president of Luther Seminary) finished leading us in Bible Study, told a tear jerking story, and came and sat right next to me in the far back row of the room. Don't get too excited, I was nervous and didn't even introduce myself. But, we were asked at one point to place our hands on the head of the person sitting next to us to bless them, and guess who put his hand on my head? Dr. Tiede himself! I thanked him. We hauled butt back home to get to the Confirmation Dinner at church. I took pictures of the kids and then got started with the 3.5 hour process of setting up for the art show. The finished product is awesome in every way! I can't wait for the show tomorrow!

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