Monday, January 12, 2009

black fingernails

Pastors can paint their fingernails black if they want! I got a number of comments (some good, a few bad) about my black fingernails for worship yesterday. One woman said, "If any pastor were to paint her fingernails black, it'd be you, Amber!" That's a compliment in my book! Plus, it's my favorite color, so I guess any opposing forces will just have to get over it! I can eat Cider Gum with black fingernails if I want to!

I'm not 'going goth' but perhaps was doing some prophetic mourning. I got word today that the woman who we visited last week (who seemed to be turning around) passed away this morning. It was a privilege to go back to her house with Pastor Bob and see her family once again. Her son and daughter are so incredibly sweet. They loved everything about her, and as we were praying her son said to her, "Mom, I'll try to be as good of a person as you were!" If someday my kids would say that to me, my life would be complete.

Another afternoon of meetings left me drowsy and at a complete loss of focus. Bob was kind enough to excuse me from another hour long meeting, so Lisa and I took a much needed Pinkberry run. We even got to drive in her sweet Saab convertible with the TOP DOWN! In JANUARY! Only in Southern California. I think it's safe to say that I'm the luckiest intern of the year thanks to an awesome church, staff, community, and the overall beauty of this place.

I was met by God tonight. I know I wrote about seeing God in people. It happened again tonight when I was blessed to share a meal with a stranger. A young woman who I had befriended on facebook (she's from the area, and we had mutual CA friends), accepted my invitation for supper and brought God along with her. Her contagious laugh, her recognition of God's beauty, and appreciation for life was such a beautiful witness. Her caring character was shown tonight just in the fact that she showed up to meet someone she had never met before. I'm thankful she did. We were able to share stories and hear each other on a Spirit filled level. Plus we're only 2 months apart in age and just got one another. Two days in a row: God is good.

1 comment:

SamanthaMarie said...

I was just randomly searching through blogs and found yours (: What an amazing blessing it is that you get to do God's work!! (Not to mention the fact it's in beautiful sunny California that you get to spend some time ;)
I do blog also, if you get a chance...

I'm sorry about the woman that passed away all too soon. What wonderful children though. Is there a father in the picture?

Pinkberry, I've only ever seen that on TV (:

I love how God reveals himself to us in different ways. And a most wonderful way that He does is through His children, if only we let Him utilize us in that way.

God be with you today!