Friday, January 23, 2009

i love you

Sometimes I get to the end of a day and ask myself, "was there anything worth blogging about?" Even when I try really hard not to write (as I've become a little obsessed with writing) I can't help but jot down a few notes from the day.

I was browsing through my external hard drive tonight and decided to look back and see exactly what I was doing a year ago today. It made me laugh to see that Kevin and I were in Las Vegas this time last year. I had just gotten back from Guatemala, we hopped on a plane 1 day later and headed to Sin City. We spent a week there seeing old friends, enjoying my first 7 eleven Slurpee, hitting up the strip, and dancing! Ok, this isn't what I felt compelled to write about. On to the good stuff.

Growing up, my family didn't have a video camera, so there are absolutely NO videos of me from childhood. What my voice sounded like, what my mannerisms were, what kind of attitude on life I had--mysteries to me. This morning, I was putzing around on facebook and saw that a grade school classmate of mine had uploaded a video entitled: "3rd Grade Christmas Program Central Elementary." He and I were in the same class somewhere in grade school. Was it third grade? Let's see. So, I watched the video and just about fell out of my chair when I saw little me in 3rd grade. I had a speaking part in the program, did all the choreography (why am I not surprised about this one?), and seemed surprisingly shy. The turtleneck and red skirt, I can remember arguing with my mom about the outfit. I thought it looked too grown for me. What I should've been arguing with her about was my nasty bowl cut hair-do! GROSS! Either way, an instant message went out to my class mate thanking him for putting it up. I'm grateful that Channel 3 in Worthington, MN taped these moments in time, and even more grateful he converted it to a digital file and shared it. I feel like rushing out and getting a video camera right now just so I can document what's happening in life since it seems to slip by in seconds.

We had run-through tonight for worship. It rocked. That's all I can say. You're gonna wanna be there on Sunday!

Tonight I painted my fingernails to match my Crazy Love book. I seem to grab for it at the most random moments, and the words sink deep within me. It's almost as good as the Bible for that kind of thing. The chapter I read got me thinking about love. What is it? What does it mean to say "I love you" to someone else? I say it all the time. When someone is leaving, when I'm getting off the phone, when I'm signing a card. I'm even known to get a little perturbed when someone doesn't say it to me. But what does it matter if they say it or not? Does it change the love I have for them? Nope. Not the slightest.

A few weeks ago I heard a sermon about love. I loved the way the preacher said, "Love is to live in the best interest of someone else." Maybe you should read that twice. Here, I'll write it again, just to help you resist the urge to not listen to me: "Love is to live in the best interest of someone else." So, if I say it and write it all the time, am I really loving them if I don't have their best interest at heart? Maybe I ought to stop saying it so much if it's become a habit rather than a commitment to truly love them.

If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother. 1 John 4: 20-21

This verse is a blessing and a curse all at the same time. Sometimes people drive me crazy. I wouldn't go so far as to say I hate someone, but truly, some people are just darn hard to love. But I need to love them. I mean, it was commanded to us after all, "love your neightbor as yourself." Not loving them is not loving God. Imagine if we all loved and thought as highly of one another as we do ourselves? That'd be some serious lovin' going on! Kevin and I make hearts out of our two hands. I'm trying to learn to love people with the image in mind that they constantly have their half of the heart extended to me. To complete the heart with my hand, I need to live in the best interest of them, to love them the way I love God, so that we can both be empowered by the force of God's love that blows through the center.


Karishma said...

i struggle with that almost every day.. i find it getting harder to do..

Anonymous said...

I watched that video of you on facebook...adorable!