Saturday, January 17, 2009

nude beach, ca

An innocent hike down to Abalone Cove turned into a free peep show for Amy and I as we came upon a man bathing in the water. He was African American, with dark skin, so it was hard to see him in the shaded water. I pointed him out to Amy just so she wouldn't be startled as we got closer. A few steps further and we asked each other, "is he wearing any clothes?" Still, the dark skin made it hard to see. Within a few seconds, the man turned sideways and the mystery was solved: HE WAS NAKED! Amy and I looked at each other, a little frightened (as there weren't many other people out at the cove), so we hurried by him, and of course, shot a photo from a distance later. :) If you look closely in the photo of Amy, you can see him in the background walking on the rocks. I couldn't see how he was standing until I got home and checked out the photo on my computer

The water was beautiful, cold, and refreshing. High tide made the tide pools non-existent, so we made the best of the view and the climbing opportunities. Lots of natural rock walls had me climbing high (in a dress). Only, it's much harder to go down than it is to go up without the proper rock climbing stuff. Lesson learned--keep climbing until you reach the top. It's safer than going down. We saw some dolphins and seals from the shore also. Catalina was visible in the distance and had this amazing white haze along the bottom of it. It was definitely worth the trip up to PV. Great memories of naked men and beautiful rocks.
After a 7 week hiatus, I went back out into the water this afternoon for a surf session. Everyone was out there. The beach was full of people swimming, playing volleyball, riding bike, in JANUARY! Thank you, God! I got up on my board a few times, and wasn't too dog tired by the end. All those push-ups have been paying off.

The only way to make this day any better: dinner and a show with a hot date. Kelly and I hit up Rascals and then went to the West High School dance show "RAWH." One of the high school girls from GS was in the advanced class, and was so fun to watch. Lots of high schoolers screaming and cat calling made the evening even more enjoyable.

Remember those Rainbow flip flops I got from Kevin for Christmas? Well, I was concerned they were too small, so I left them with Kevin and asked him to exchange them for me for a larger size. They're expensive sandals, so I didn't want to keep them if they were going to be too small. Well, after I ran to the mall to try on a larger size, I realized they were the right size. Kev said he'd send them back. Well, today is our 20 month anniversary so Kevin told me to be sure and check my mail at church. I followed the mail woman into the door and found the package he spoke of on the bottom of her stack. Not only was there one package, but TWO. A large brown box sitting on my desk (it had been delivered by UPS earlier), it said it was from Nordstrom. I was confused. I didn't order anything from Nordstrom. So, I ripped open the brown box to find a pair of black rainbow flip flops!! Kevin had exchanged them for me! But, wait, what was in the small box that came USPS? I opened it and found the pink Rainbows in there. TWO PAIRS OF RAINBOWS! When I called Kevin to get the scoop he said, "my California dove deserves two pairs of Rainbows." What a guy! Lucky me.


Anonymous said...

I have lived in So Cal all my life, and I still have not seen a naked man swimming on the beach. I am still laughing! Thanks for sharing! LOL

Karishma said...

Nice shot of the naked man!!! Love Amy's houndstooth! I miss you and my RRL!!! You guys get to have fun and adventures in the sun while us Minnesotans have to try not to get frostbitten!!! Cute slippers Amber, you sure deserve them! Miss you lady! :)

Anonymous said...

You really are a California dove..Those sure are some cute slippers you received from Rev Kev. I'm sure we'll see a few naked bod's when we're in Mexico next week. Love always, Mom

Anonymous said...

I wasn't anonymous..I clicked the name/URL button..Mom

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am so jealous of you with that nice weather as I look out at snow and ice! Brings back great memories of traveling to see Heather in January when she lived out there. What a flip flop - now she is in Worthington and you are in CA! Enjoy it all for us! Did you know I am a "new" grandma again? Mackenzie Joy was born Dec 16th - now there's a photogenic baby. I love reading your blog - you are as adventuresome as always!