Tuesday, January 27, 2009

fair weather surfer

Well, it's been 8 hours since I got out of the ocean, and my bones are still chattering. I decided today that I am going to be a fair weather surfer. Literally. The off shore winds made sitting on my board torture. My wet head + wind = 1,000 needles stabbing me. OUCH! And to make matters worse, I didn't really catch a wave. My arms were like jello from my arm workout at Bally's, so popping up on the board was a challenge. When I got out of the water, that's when the real torture began. There wasn't the warmth of the water for comfort. It was just me, my board, and strong wind gusts. Cold hands in CA are the same as cold hands in MN. Like when you come in from shoveling snow and can hardly take your boots off because your fingers don't function. It happened this morning. I was trapped in a freezing cold wetsuit, and laughed as Bob had the same problem. "Work fingers!"

Time spent in the office was incredibly fruitful today. I was able to get through meetings and make all the contacts I needed to for the day. I got a few awesome e-mails today: one that said Kevin and I got tickets to The Tonight Show with Jay Leno for Thursday. The second said that we get to be extras in a new movie "Warrior" on Friday night. Talk about taking in the LA life in a 2 day span. It was fun to call him with the exciting news!

I decided today that friends should have similar cars that can be parked next to each other for fun. Alicia and I drive the same year VW, so today they got to snuggle while she and I had an afternoon date. Tuesday is now officially my "froyo" day (as Alicia would say). She and I hit up Golden Spoon Frozen Yogurt for my first (her 1 millionth) time. They have way more flavors than Pinkberry, and it's not quite as expensive either. SOO good. You even get gold plastic spoons to eat with. Alicia was kind enough to give me her free yogurt coupon so I got to try a cake batter and chocolate bowl of goodness. I might have to invite myself in on her Tuesday tradition. Growth group tonight, plus worship planning makes for one tired intern. Less than 24 hours until I get to see my love. Not that I'm counting! :)


Alicia said...

The cars look so cute together :) And of course you are welcome to join in for fro yo fun any time you please. Have fun livin up the LA life with Kevin!!

Anonymous said...

Girl you do it all...you amaze me!

Auntie Dana said...

Hopefully, in the midst of all of the Hollywood hoopla - be it Jay or the acting bug, you and Kevin can enjoy an early Valentine's Day together! Have a wonderful few days!