Thursday, November 13, 2008

carried away

Ok, so I got pretty excited about the photos we took while surfing yesterday...I decided to redesign my entire blog. I miss the pink, but had to get a water shot to really emphasize the BEACH preacher title! Credit goes to Bob Rognlien for the amazing camera work on this shot!

Bob brought his underwater casing for his camera again today. Fresh batteries too. I spent the first 15 minutes treading water and taking pictures of the boys. It was a pretty fun gig. Right in the break of the wave is the place to be so you can get a photo of someone coming down the pipe. I ended up involuntarily body surfing a few times, but it was fun. The tide is really high right now, making the waves mushy, so I didn't stand up today. Maybe tomorrow. After 3 mornings in a row, you'd think I'd get it by now. Oh well, here are some cool shots to show how the photos were taken, and the few good ones that I got.
Floating in the water...waiting for the waves to bring my subjects closer.
This is the face I make when I see a sea lion in the distance!
Mr. puffy-cheeks-man going for a big one!

This is what happens when you take a shower and the water cannot escape the wetsuit: man calves! Waiting on the waves--c'mon baby!Paddle view from my 'cross-wax' board. Man, God is good.

I got the biggest surprise of the day today when Carla shouted from the main office area, "Amber, you got flowers in the mail!" I jumped up out of my chair and couldn't believe my eyes! A big red FTD flower box with my name on it!! I knew they could only be from one person: my love. Kevin and I are celebrating our year and a half anniversary on Sunday, so he sent them early for me to have in the office. What a guy!

I got some good research done tonight for my sermon, and hopefully a start on my Bible study as well. After a nice visit with Greg & Dana Barker at their home, a 7 minute supper, some worship team practice, and blogging fun, it's time to head home.


Auntie Dana said...

Wow! The new blog design is truly fitting the surfer-girl, oops, I mean beach preacher! As God has gifted you as an evangelist, I hope you are open and inviting to those cute, chubby sea lions; they need you way more than dolphins who have loads of admirers and friends,

tjackson80 said...

I'm digging the new layout :)

Congrats on the anniversary and flowers :)