Friday, November 7, 2008

d2 learner

Good Shepherd is holding weekly "ordinary hero leadership classes" on Wednesday nights. There are a whole host of wonderful people who attend in the hopes that they will someday lead others. Last night, we learned about the different phases of a learner. d1=excited about learning, but definitely unconsciously incompetent. d2=not so excited, because now they are consciously incompetent. That was me on a surfboard today.

Gosh, you'd think that after 2 months, I'd be getting better. I didn't stand on my board at all today. Instead, I got the crap beat out of me numerous times. This is how rough it went: I walked into the water with a tight pony-tail on the top of my head. An hour and a half later, I walked out of the water with a loose/messy SIDE pony. That has never happened before. Dang.

I spent the whole day trying to recover from (not only the early morning), but the royal butt whooping I received in the water. My eyes are drooping as I write this.

Tonight I was graciously invited over to Camille Bunch's house for supper. How wonderful to be asked to share a meal in her home. She cooked meatballs, mashed potatoes, skim milk, and NUT FREE brownies! YUMMY. I also got to meet her son Mark and his new wife Sasha. What a lovely couple. I also got to play this awesome Japanese game that hangs on the wall, and is sort of like a pin-ball machine. I had never seen one before, but had so much fun playing it. I haven't laughed so hard since I got here. The pronunciation jokes and dictionary dives made my stomach hurt with joy! Thanks for the fun Camille!

I'm heading to bed, and excited for tomorrow: more evangelism. We're heading to El Camino.

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