Saturday, November 22, 2008

short and trout

Can you say "Lazy day?" Kevin and I used to have a lot of these when I was living in the cities, so it was nice to take a break from the tempation to go-go-go and just relax for a day. Again, we slept in, got ready, and took care of one of our traditions: chocolate chip pancakes. There's an Original Pancake House on Pacific Coast Highway, so we drove over there and filled ourselves full. Then, we ran to Costco (on a Friday) BAD IDEA. There were so many people there, I thought I was going to go crazy! So, we grabbed what we needed and freed ourselves from the madness.

We had planned on a Friday afternoon surf session, but the waves weren't cooperating, so instead, we invited Pastor Bob to Paradise Park for his first slack-line lesson. He did quite well. He was walking about 3-4 unassisted steps on his own by the end of the lesson. I haven't had much time lately to get on it, so took this opportunity to try a new trick--running and jumping on it. By the time we were finished, I was doing it on my own! What fun! We took a few grass pictures at the park, but declared ourselves pooped. But, I needed to work on my sermon. Kevin read, I hour later, Kevin and I were both sawing logs...and frantically woke up to see if we had overslept. Hoofta...we were safe.

Greg and Dana Barker invited us over for a delicious supper of salad, quiche, trout, corn, and of course chocolate dessert. I got to help Dana get things ready, and even cut the head off one of the fish. It was sad, yet yummy! We enjoyed a lovely meal and great conversation. We even got to head outside and hop in their whirlpool. Greg has quite the collection of surfboards. This is one he had custom designed with a landscape and cross sunrise in it. When I move to CA, I'm going to start a collection like this as well! As if we weren't sleepy enough...the whirlpool knocked us out! We made it home just in time to hit the hay. Kevin has to head back tomorrow already. Where does the time go?

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