Monday, November 10, 2008


Dear diary,

Another Sunday packed full of church, friends, and tiredness. Church this morning went well. Today was the start of our new series "kingdomopoly: a better way to play the financial game." Greg preached about debt, and used some awesome video clips to support the fact that we are ridiculously addicted to spending--especially on credit cards. The ambient arts team put together this amazing 10 x 10 foot kingdomopoly board display for the series. It's awesome. When I wasn't staring at the beauty of the display, my role in church today was to lead the prayers, the creed, do announcements, and the blessing. I decided to try to do the prayers extemporaneously today, and only used notes when it came to listing the names of people, so that was a big step for me today. It went well. As some of you know, I've had a long list of word vomit moments in church, and after last week, decided that I was going to try super hard not to say anything stupid this week. Key word: TRY.

It was at the 11:00 service that I was doing the announcements and was telling people about the kingdomopoly cards in their programs (which they take and give to someone who may be interested in coming to church) that I began to say, "If you were really moved by Greg's message today, or perhaps you just want to bring someone to see this kick...(internal dialogue that turned in to external dialogue) can we say "butt" in church?" (Bob looks at me as if to say, "you just did.") "Ok, this kick butt ambient art display. Oh gosh, next slide please!" Of course, the congregation erupted in laughter, my face got super hot and red, and when I tried going to the next announcement slide, people were still laughing, so I picked out a person I knew who was laughing in the congregation and said, "Kelly, stop laughing!" Yeah, this is all happening while I'm on the mic giving announcements. Once I said the word "kick" there was no where to go...well, I can think of another word that would follow, so "butt" seemed like the right choice in my mine. :) So much for a NO WORD VOMIT Sunday! When I went back to my seat Bob leaned over and said, "Those were some kick butt announcements."

After a serious sermon about excessive spending, Kelly Rodono and I loaded up the car and headed into LA to do some shopping in the fashion district. I was really hoping to find an inexpensive COACH bag, but found that there were very few down there. Apparently, the police raided that area a few weeks ago, and took all the knock-off purses they could get their hands on. It looked to me as though people were still recovering from that. But, the rest of the stores were alive and kicking! People, people, people everywhere! I found a cool gift for Kevin (our year and a half anniversary is this weekend), some $5 COACH sunglasses, and 2 scarves. Santee alley is the cheap zone of the fashion district, and it's 4 blocks of alley vendors and stores. Shoes, clothing, sunglasses, jewelry, purses, toys, and even electronics are jam packed in these little stores. We had a great afternoon!

We made it back in great time! There was very little traffic, and it only took us about 30 minutes each way. Now that I know how close it is, I might have to go down there more often! So, I ran home for a bite to eat, and ran back campus for our 7:00 service. I didn't have anything to drink while we were out shopping, so by 7, I had a massive headache. It was a long church service because of it. So...sleepy time came at 10:00.



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