Thursday, October 23, 2008

cleansing the soul

Meetings are starting to bug me. They take HOURS. I wonder if churches realize how much outreach could happen during that time! :) I say: stop planning, start doing. It's during staff meetings that I notice my lack of voice. I'm I try to just listen, and add input when I feel compelled to. Today was one of those days. I work in close quarters with many of the office people as my office has no door, no privacy, no earplugs. Because I have gotten to know these office folks well, and because they so freely express their care for me, I tend to try to express my care for them by backing them up in meetings. This isn't working so well. I'm reminded that we're all grown-ups, and need to take care of ourselves. Lesson learned.

After a quick lunch, Cindi, Gloria and I set out down the street to hand out more Costume Carnival flyers. There were tons of kids and parents running around, and amazingly, no one refused the postcard. I'm an evangelist, shoot, it wouldn't bother me either way. But, really, who would refuse a postcard with info about a FREE carnival? Free candy, Free games, and a chance to have your photo taken by yours truly! :) There were a number of parents sitting in their cars waiting for their children to be dismissed, so I went up to them and handed the card through the window. My favorite line of the day, "You're giving them cards in their cars?" This came from Cindi. Bless her heart. I walked around the corner and saw my fellow evangelist (Gloria) doing the same thing--her arm stretched in a car window! This is a huge outreach opportunity for the church. We order 3,000 postcards, and they need to get out. I keep a stack handy at all times so I can accidently leave them at random places! :)

I left work early today to find myself on my hands and knees in my bathroom. My room/bathroom looked like a bomb went off, so there I was, scrubbing the floor and killing about 10 spiders that seemed to find their way into my room (eventhough I keep my door and windows closed at all times!). There's something so satisfying about cleaning. I rearranged a few things in my room: got rid of a table I never used, moved all the shower building supplies into the shower, and moved my desk. My bedding is in the wash, as well as 3 weeks worth of laundry. Everything comes out in the wash. I feel better now.
As I was unpacking my luggage from NYWC (I know, that was 2 weeks ago-that's how crazy it's been here), I pulled out a free bandana that I was given given. It's brown with a light blue design on the front--blue doves (which is funny, Kevin calls me "dove"). On the reverse side, the word FREEDOM is printed with multiple scripture passages to back it up. I'm reminded of the freedom that comes from letting go. I'm also reminded of the growth that happens when my grip is loosened. Last night at Catch the Fire (a Holy Spirit driven worship service), I got this incredible image of home. Minnesota in the fall. Of the trees and the leaves that need to let go. Some of them hold on until it's too cold, and the tree doesn't grow in good time come spring. Those who submit are the ones that achieve immense strength and growth months later. I can relate to the leaves. I'm ready to bond with them next week.

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