Wednesday, October 15, 2008

permanent goosebumps!

Well, it's time to break down and do it! I need to buy a full-suit for surfing. Greg Barker and I were the only fools out there in our spring suits, and my legs, toes, arms, and hands were numb by the time I got out of the water! But, as sick as it sounds: it was worth it! I stood up twice on my own. I even DROPPED IN on the first wave (which is what the real surfers do)!

No sea lions to report. (Thank you, God!) But a family of dolphins passed by us. It was the cutest thing ever! Little baby dolphins rock!

On a sad note: a member of GS suffered a massive stroke this week, and she's going to be taken off life support tomorrow. Gloria and I went up to visit her. I brought my guitar and sang a few hymns. Though she wasn't responsive, I sensed that she heard every word and was humming along quietly in her head. This is a time when the classics heal the soul, What a Friend we have in Jesus, How Great Thou Art, and Blessed Assurance. I'm thankful that God gifted me with the ability to pick up a guitar and sing. Better yet, to minister through those gifts. If not to the patient in the bed, then perhaps to those who surrounded her with love.

Well, I have leadership training tonight, a day full of meetings and prep tomorrow, and then I leave for Tecate, Mexico on Friday afternoon. Time to get busy! I love and miss you all! 2 weeks until I'm home!

1 comment:

Kevin Bergeson said...

so awesome to see you getting better at surfing, how cool! and a dolphin family...haha!