Monday, October 6, 2008

it's great to be young!

Even though I have a massive headache—my fingers press on. Fun times to write about.

Saturday night was my first attempt at getting young adults together. I probably made 30 phone calls last week to all the 18-30 year olds that attend GS. I even called one person twice by mistake! Oops! All the hard work paid off, as we had 8 people at the picnic. We got a chance to meet one another, eat awesome food, and slack-line. All 8 of us got up on the line and walked across it. One by one, these Californians are getting hooked on my hobbies. Just look at the joy on Amy's face as she walks the line! I love it! It got dark really early, so we ended playing midnight bocce ball—you know, the kind where you throw the white ball, and just launch your colored ball in the hopes that it’s somewhere in the vicinity. We had a blast though. I’m looking forward to more young adult fun in the future.

Today was my busiest Sunday so far. 8:00 worship, I taught the 9:30 Bible Study on the Gospels, 11:00 worship, 1:30 service at the retirement home, 2:30 grocery store run, 3-4 a much needed nap, 4:30 more staff pictures, 5:00 scavenger hunt with the middle school kids, 7:00 worship. My bones are aching. Helping Pastor Greg at the nursing home brought me back to my days of CPE where I lead worship alone at the nursing home. Greg’s 15 month old son Micah came along, so I supervised him while Greg preached. Half of the people were sleeping, and the others weren’t listening. Every once in a while, Micah would let out a shriek from his stroller, and all the people would wake up. I couldn’t stop laughing as I thought about the fact that Micah was bringing the folks back to consciousness because his dad wasn’t doing it with his preaching!

The middle schoolers invited me to join them in a digital scavenger hunt this afternoon. We had so much fun spelling out words with our bodies, forming pyramids; I even got them to hold up little white tabs to their throats to pretend they were clergy! What a fun bunch of kids. Dang, my head is still pounding: time to say goodnight.

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