Monday, December 29, 2008

100th post

It's true: I'm a blog-a-holic. It's turned into my diary. If you want to know any little detail about my day, don't call me, just read my latest entry. Most of my family members do just that. I can go days, heck, weeks without talking to them and they say, "I read your blog, I know everything that's going on!" Well, you can still call, goofs! I'm glad to know others enjoy it as well!

This is my 100th post, and it's a good thing it happened today, because today rocked! Kevin and I went skiing with Lynda at Afton Alps. It was pretty cold, but felt so good to be out on the slopes once again. Only, we went later in the day, and that's when the crazies come out. Kids barreling down the hill at 90 miles an hour, not looking. I thought I was going to get smoked from behind, but managed to walk away without injury! Hallelujah! Lynda teaches out at the hill, so she gave us some great pointers. I'm already looking forward to going out again next winter. And let's face it, with all that adorable snow gear, who can blame me? It's fun dressing up and pretending to be a pro! :)

Then, after 4 months of separation, I was reunited with my good friend Andrea! Ah, Lieser therapy! Kevin, Matt, Andrea and I all met up at Moose Country for some yummy finger food, and got caught up on each others lives. It was awesome to see them! More soul food for me.

Such a good day, worth writing about! So, since I've provided you with 100 days worth of reading pleasure, I figure it's time you do me a favor, so here's my request: comment on this blog posting, include your name, and tell me what brings you back to this blog. Stories, seeing pictures, living vicariously through me, snooping :), etc. I'd love to know what you enjoy about it. This is mandatory, people!! I recently met a woman named Lisa (here's your shout out) who has been reading my blog since day one. Only, I had never met her. When I finally did two weeks ago, she knew almost everything about me. I was thrilled that I made a new friend all because of blogging. Who knew? Thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

I love reading about this extraordinary young woman who embarked on this great adventure out west to give her big heart to the Lord (and us too!)

Anonymous said...

It ends my day of college stress on a good note. It makes me smile at the simplicity of a small town girl who I know using her gifts for Christ. It also gives me anticipation to when I get to go on internship as a DCE in 2 years. You are a girl of many talents and its great to see and hear about them all in you using them to glorify Christ. Not to mention the quirky embaressing moments remind me that even the great leaders and pastors can lead "normal" lives :)

Anonymous said...

Even though we don't have much time to spend one-on-one, your blog makes me feel like I know you even better. I love your pictures, I love your insight, and I love reading about your journey with our Lord. You will be (and are already) an awesome pastor! Thanks for dragging me into the world wide web in a whole new way.

Anonymous said...

Yay for my shout out!! You hit it all on the head for me...I come back to your blog for many reasons. Love the stories, pictures, living vicariously through you and I indeed love to snoop :)Not only that, but I really enjoy watching you wrap your arms around ALL that L.A. can offer. I have lived here all my 40 years and you have been to places that I still have not been. I also enjoy watching you grow in the Lord. My favorite entry to date is December "hello?God?is that you?". Blessed my sox off that you heard from God. I believe I am a prayer warrior and I have seen God perform many miracles. The Holy Spirit is my best friend & gets me through many days. I was blessed to see you write about your relationship with Him. I think we all can relate. So thank you for being open and sharing your life with all of blog addicts!

Anonymous said...

Blog-a-holic that you are, but if you are a blog-a-holic... then I must be a read-a-holic. I love reading your blogs because I like seeing what you are doing, meetings, surfing, learning to skate board, and the like. Oh and the big one... I like to see what you write about me after we have done things :-)

I cant wait for you to come back home, so I can be in your blogs again ;-)

See you in 2 days

J, H, P, M, and M Sieve said...

Keep the blog updates coming! With 2 girls, a husband, a FT job and a house to maintain, it gets so hard to talk on the phone sometimes...even to my sister! Reading this makes me feel connected to you! Can't wait to see you again...when we fly just 8 weeks! Love you!

Unknown said...

I made "The Blog"! I feel so honored! I need to know what's going on in my good friend's life since I can't have grand ole creamery runs and long talks with her anymore!! Miss you lots and love seeing how incredible of an experience you are having!