Wednesday, December 17, 2008

rain rain go away!

It won't stop raining! Seriously! I like it and all, but I didn't bring along the right clothes for this kind of weather. Rain boots, slicker, all packed up in storage. Wonderful. Luckily, my dansko's are slimy looking. They repel a little water.

The Del Amo was swamped today. Literally. Soaking wet people ran to and from their cars with tons of shopping bags. I still have lots of presents to buy, and am officially in panic mode. I ran to every kid store I could find in search for some niece luck. I don't want to go back there ever again, but am afraid I may have to.

Even though my feet, nose and fingers are cold, my heart was extra warm and fuzzy today when I read the Wiedenmann's blog which showed a number of pictures of Henry! I'm so happy for them. Please pray for them as they begin this new life chapter as a family! Karishma and I will head up there tonight to begin house sitting for them.

As a photographer, I can't lie...the change of weather is actually enjoyable. It gives me something different to shoot. Here are a few photos I took while out and about today.
It's time to go home and get ready for Karishma's arrival. My laundry has been sitting in the dryer all doubt it'll be too wrinkly! ;)

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