Wednesday, December 17, 2008

"coolest intern ever"

It's only by request from the intern task force that I give my post this title. On Sunday, when Greg was up doing the announcements, he was making mention of the Focus Finders event, and said, "And talk to Amber if you'd like to join. And speaking of Amber, do we have the coolest intern ever or what?" The congregation burst into applause. Luckily, I was in the back of the sanctuary and could hide. Though it was heartwarming to hear the hoots and hollars!

Bob and I finished our 3 month reviews today (can you believe I'm already 1/3 done?). The time has really been flying! And it's definitely winter now. Flip flops are being retired for a little while. It's too cold. Though, compared to MN, this is nothing. I shouldn't complain.

In CA, I've seen movie sets all over the place. We even get fortunate enough to get TV shows to use our parking lot at church while they shoot scenes, our classrooms for tutoring young actors, and one day they even used our stairway to shoot a skateboarding scene. I asked them if they needed any extras, but they said no. :) Either way, there is always a catering truck, and a producer who welcomes us to lunch or dessert if we'd like. Today was special...warm brownies with icecream in our parking lot. When we saw Carla walk through the door with her bowl full, we couldn't resist, so we ran over and loaded up. We listened as the director announced to the crew that they had just been signed on for 8 more episodes. They all started cheering and clapping. No major celebrities yet, but as soon as Tom Cruise shows up, you'll know it!

Dana Barker and I delivered Christmas fruit baskets with her two grandkids today. It was fun to meet two women who live alone, and who seemed to enjoy our company. One woman had suffered some brain damage, so she lived in a small apartment that was packed full of stuff. Literally, a walkway from the door to the couch, and one in the kitchen. I can't imagine how hard it would be to try and get things done following a brain injury. She was lovely. I want to go back and see her again sometime. The other woman was much different. Very much 'with it' yet living alone. She had a beautiful Christmas tree, and even had fresh cookies sitting out.

When I ran home for supper, Jane was knitting, so she and I sat down and she gave me a crash course in knitting and pearling. There are so many knitters around here who have inspired me to get going with it. If I could only knit 10 sweaters in 7 days, then all my Christmas shopping would be done.

The final ITF meeting of the year came tonight. Sue Labate invited us all to her house for our gathering. She lives in a lovely little home, it was all decorated for Christmas, and she too had a great tree. It makes me miss my batman tree this year. She made pumpkin cheesecake (whoa, is that good), dips, cookies, cider, and punch. Suzie Homemaker! We had a fantastic time. Sue also gave me my first Christmas gift of the year. A mug that says "surfer girl" on the front, and "if the flip-flop fits, wear it" on the back! It's adorable. She even had Carla scout out whether or not I liked coffee, and (upon learning that I don't drink coffee) she put a hot cocoa packet in there instead. What a gal! Being in a home with all those treats has really gotten me anxious about going home. Only a week to go!We had a small group tonight...that was a little sad. It would've been fun to share the Christmas cheer with everyone. We all know Mark has a good excuse. He and his wife Sue are over in Vietnam right now. They just received their new son Henry today! And how fitting: it's his first birthday! I get goosebumps talking about their news! Karishma and I will be housesitting for them until they get back. I can't wait to meet him!

It's safe to say: I'm addicted to blogging. I hate to go a day without writing...there are too many fun things happening!


Anonymous said...

You're addicted to blogging...I'm addicted to reading your blogs. It makes me excited for my future years as a future DCE intern. Internships sound like lots of work, and lots of fun too. I think you are amazing!

Auntie Dana said...

Ditto! Followed closely by, "Amber Rocks!"

I wish I had taken my camera inside Diane's home, our 2nd fruit basket delivery. Her decorations were great, but my favorites were the manger scenes and that beautiful golden Christmas tree. It was touching to hear you two share your "ornament exchange" stories and hear that she loves Jesus!