Wednesday, December 24, 2008

merry CHRISTmas

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go...I'll be home for Christmas...I'll fly away...any homeward bound song you can think of, I'm singing it! Only 8 hours until I'm in the air!

I got dressed alone, had a bathroom to myself, supper alone, and drove to church alone. This is the strangest Christmas ever. It’s just not the same as gathering around a table full of people for a meal, or fighting over who gets the curling iron first in the bathroom. It was definitely peaceful, but a little too peaceful. I’m ready for some noise!

Each of the girls did an incredible job of reading tonight. The cutest moment of the night came when a little first grade girl stepped up to do her reading. Mind you, she’s standing in front of about 150 people, so she was definitely nervous. She got half way through her passage in Luke 2, when she looked up at me and said, “I think I skipped a page!” The whole congregation burst out laughing, because her passage was taped to one side of the Bible. There was no page turn involved. She looked a little frazzled, so I walked up and helped her find her place again. Her chin was quivering the rest of the time until she made it to the end. The congregation burst into applause at her victorious finish! She ran down to sit next to me and burst into tears. “I messed up!” she kept saying. No matter what I said, she had that in her head. I can only hope this leadership moment hasn’t scarred her for life. She truly did a fantastic job.

Bob and Greg dressed up tonight in suits. Finally, an opportunity to get spiffed up for church! The sight of a few hundred votive candles and the sound of beautiful singing filled my Christmas spirit gauge for the night. Oh, and it helped that I got to meet Henry for the first time. I did everything in my power to resist bawling my eyes out when I first saw him. I'm so happy for the Wiedenmann's!

There was a strange sense of satisfaction I felt as I clip-clopped away from the church in my heels. My goal for the night was to lead prayers and a blessing by the power of the Holy Spirit. Check that one off.

I’m sitting in LAX right now waiting for my plane that’s already delayed 45 minutes. Kelly dropped me off in record time. The airport is so empty it’s eerie. All the traffic we predicted was a false alarm. So…here I sit. I was able to get my seat moved to an exit row window seat! YES! I can only hope I’ll sleep for a few hours.

Well, because I know tonight is going to be busy, I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas! I realize I look like a little girl in this outfit with my hair curled like Shirley Temple, but ah well...Christmas is all about cuteness! If only Kevin was standing beside me...then I'd be set! :) I love you all. Blessings to you tonight, tomorrow, and always!

Oh yeah, I printed a gazillion of these cards, but if by chance you didn't get one, please accept this digital version of it and my apology! We don't love you any less! :)

1 comment:

Karishma said...

hello my love! that is a super cute outfit! wherever did you find that cute cardigan? ;) hope you made it home okay and into the arms of your love! Merry Christmas to you too! Thanks for an amazing HOLIDAY in Cali, you're the best hostess ever :) Miss you so much, it was weird waking up alone today! Won't be fun showering without you ;) LOL!!!! Have a happy trip home and let me know if I'll get to see you in MN unless you're all KK'd out! HUGS! XOXO