Wednesday, December 31, 2008


In the spirit of blog honesty, here's my question of the day: in a doctor's office, do you use the term boobs or breasts? I went to see a new doctor today for my yearly check-up. Though, I can't really say yearly, since I hadn't been for 5 years. Shame on me. The nurse asked me every question under the sun: are you pregnant? no. A smoker? no. Drink caffeine? Well, I don't drink coffee, or tea, and I drink pop maybe once a month. She checked "yes." C'mon! She began asking me about my family and their health. It was amazing how little I felt like I knew. Occasionally, I'd crack a joke here or there. The nurse looked at me expressionless. Me to self: "sheesh! is this the security line at the airport or something? SMILE lady!" Everyone at the doctor's office is serious. The woman who signed me in and updated my information was the same way. Cranky as all get out. When I told her I didn't have an insurance card, but knew the number, she about flipped out on me. I'm just going to have to issue the holiday cheer award to someone else!

Anyway, I wanted to go get a few things checked out, and in my questions ended up blurting out "BOOB" to my doctor! AH! Talk about a rookie! Later he referred to them as breasts, so I figured that was my answer. How embarrassing. I tell ya, nothing starts your day off more awkwardly than getting felt up by a doctor fresh out of med school. I remembered why I don't like going to the doctor for this kind of thing, luckily, it looks like everything is ok. He answered all my questions, and out the door I went.

Holly dropped me off and picked me up. We ran a few errands, including the usual trip to Wal-mart and Shopko. It was so great to bump into people I knew. That's one of my favorite things about coming back home...everyone is so happy to see me. SWEET!

So, here's the tip of the day: have you heard of Red Box? They're little DVD stations all over the place. In McDonald's, grocery stores, outside Walgreen's (as we discovered today). Here's the best part: enter this code DVDONME and it'll be free! I got it through an e-mail and wanted to share the love! Holly and I stood outside freezing our little fingers off while picking out DVDs this afternoon. We're going to do a 3 movie marathon, eat supper, and hurry the ball drop along. Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

You crack me up. The first half of this post just made laugh so hard, I am tearing up. Boob.... too funny

Anonymous said...

If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it must be a duck! If it looks like a boob, it must be a boob! Too funny!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure glad you know the difference between a "Boob" and a "Breast" now..Love, Mom